Mariel Lutz and Jenny Rowland-Shea
Center for American Progress
Oil and gas companies have been cheating the leasing and drilling system for years, but the Biden administration has the tools to hold them accountable.
The Gulf of Mexico is littered with tens of thousands of abandoned oil and gas wells, and toothless regulation leaves climate warming gas emissions unchecked.
However severe the current crisis, and whatever the outcome in November, big changes are coming in how the U.S. economy functions, how this country is ruled and its role in the world.
The force that threatens our existence isn’t an alien invasion — it’s climate change — and the response from mankind has been less that inspiring. So why hasn’t our species come together, in dramatic fashion, to save the day?
At 350-person rally organized by Torrance Refinery Action on the third anniversary of a giant explosion at Exxon Mobil’s facility there, people were eager to hear about how Richmond is working to hold Chevron accountable for its pollution. His piece ref
In a region known for being among the worst nationally for its air quality, plans are marching briskly forward on a proposed integration project that will combine operations at two sprawling oil refineries near Southern California's Long Beach area, expanding it into the single largest oil refinery by far on the nation's West Coast.
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