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What Is Salting?

Kim Kelly Teen Vogue
A new generation of union activists is embracing all sorts of organizing strategies, including one of the oldest tactics in the pro-union handbook: salting.

How Black Workers Challenged the Mafia

Keith Kelleher The Forge
A story of intrigue and power involving union organizers, Black laundry workers, the Mafia, and the FBI in 1980s Detroit.


Worker Wins: Standing Together for Their Families

Kenneth Quinnell and Sydney Roberts AFL-CIO
AFL-CIO's latest roundup of worker wins includes numerous examples of working people organizing, bargaining and mobilizing for a better life.

How We Can Defend Ourselves in the New Trump Era

Bill Fletcher, Jr., Dave Zirin The Nation
The labor organizer Bill Fletcher says that, to protect our constitutional democracy, “the union movement needs to become an anti-fascist movement.”
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