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John Fetterman Exits the Progressive Coalition

Ross Barkan Political Currents
"I'm not a progressive. I'm just a regular Democrat." Fetterman is in the first year of a six-year term. He has time to repair relations with progressives or sever ties altogether. At this point, the latter is rapidly happening anyway.

Looking Back at the Steelworkers Fight Back Campaign – Part 3

Garrett Brown Stansbury Forum
3rd in three-part posting on Steelworkers Fightback reform movement in the 1970s. Brown documents issues and personalities that drove the movement of relevance today in understanding and appreciating reform movements underway today.

Sara Innamorato Upends Fracking Politics in Pennsylvania

Megan Mcdonough Common Dreams
A resounding victory in the primary race to be the next Allegheny County Executive shows that bold candidates can defy conventional wisdom by taking on the fossil fuel industry in its own backyard.

Tidbits - Feb. 20, 2020 - Reader Comments: Nevada, Medicare 4 All, Stop Bernie Campaign, Culinary Workers, Pittsburgh AFL-CIO; Economy a Bust; NYC School Segregation, Corporate Schooling; Black History, Civil War, Reconstruction; Labor Notes; announcement

Reader Comments: 2020 - Nevada, Medicare 4 All, Campaign to Stop Bernie, Culinary Workers, Pittsburgh AFL-CIO; Economy a Bust; NYC School Segregation, Corporate Schooling; Black History; Civil War, Reconstruction; Labor Notes; lots of announcements;

Trump’s Caravan Hysteria Led to This

Adam Serwer The Atlantic
The president and his supporters insisted that several thousand Honduran migrants were a looming menace—and the Pittsburgh gunman took that seriously.

The Pittsburgh Fairy Tale

Patrick Vitale Jacobin
Pittsburgh's much-touted revival has remade the region for the wealthy while leaving workers and the poor behind.

Residents Fight Back Against Pittsburgh's Privatized Water Authority

Aaron Miguel Cantú Truthout
Based on estimates from the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA), about 14% of the population have received inaccurate and/or delayed water bills for months. Campaign to Reform PWSA, hopes to end what they see as the PWSA's coercive attempts to shake down citizens for money. They also hope to alter PWSA to be more transparent and responsive, because right now PWSA has become a smokescreen for Veolia Environment, largest private water company in the world.

Transit Irony: The More You Rely on It, the More They Cut

Samantha Winslow Labor Notes
In 2011 the transit authority cut its budget by 15 percent, eliminating 29 bus routes. It laid off 180 workers and reduced hours for more. The cuts continued the following year, and the region lost tens of thousands of bus riders. Some switched to cars, if they had one, or carpooling. Others walk now.
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