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The Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling Using Pyrolysis

Lisa Song, Illustrations by Max Guther, special to ProPublica Propublica
The world is drowning in plastic. Experts say we need to stop making so much. But the plastics industry peddling a "solution" that works like magic. Don't be fooled.

Nanoplastics Are Entering Our Bodies

Erica Cirino The Bullet
Clearly, micro- and nanoplastics are getting into us, with at least some escaping through our digestive tracts. We seem to be drinking, eating, and breathing it in.


Americans Eat and Inhale Over 70,000 Plastic Particles Each Year

Mandy Oaklander
Air, bottled water and seafood were the biggest sources for ingested microplastics. If you live somewhere with clean, safe tap water, relying less on bottled water is a great place to start reducing your plastics exposure.
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