Rastaman Chant/ Amazing Grace | Playing For Change
A profound medley of Rastaman Chant/Amazing Grace Song Around The World, featuring the incredible talents of John Cruz, Chris Pierce, River Eckert, Tal Ben Ari, Nour Darwish, and many gifted artists from across the globe
Doctor My Eyes | Jackson Browne
A stunning rendition of the classic Doctor My Eyes brings together two musicians from the 1972 original with 11 amazing musicians from around the globe
Friday Nite Videos | July 21, 2023
Lean On Me | Kori Withers and Friends | Playing for Change
Kori channels her father Bill Wither’s spirit, evoking the song’s timeless message of unity, compassion and the power of human connection.
Friday Nite Videos | June 2, 2023
Color of the ‘Āina | Pō & the 4fathers | Playing for Change
Be transformed by the rhythmic sounds of Pō & the 4fathers as they perform "Color of the ‘Āina" Live Outside in Waiāhole, Oʻahu.
Friday Nite Videos | April 14, 2023
Teach Your Children | Playing For Change
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young on what generations learn from each other.
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