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Kristallnacht in Tulsa

Philip C Kolin
Mississippi poet Philip Kolin depicts the crushing of the Black community in Tulsa, OK one century ago.


Sensory Details

Todd Friedman Radical Teacher
New York City poet Todd Friedman, a retired high school teacher, observes the silent censorship that aims to protect pupils from themselves or perhaps from the facts of life.


Small Kindnesses

Danusha Laméris Healing the Divide
As plague years continue, California poet Danusha Laméris writes of “brief moments of exchange” that sustain hope and belief in what is holy.


Blood on the Fog

Lou Fancher East Bay Express
Tongo Eisen-Martin’s latest book of poems challenges whiteness and the status quo with a strong revolutionary practice.



Ann Hudson Spoon River Poetry Review
“We think what we can’t see can’t hurt us,” says poet Ann Hudson about environmental pollution. Think again.


Applying for AFDC

Applying for AFDC Hudson Review
Applying for welfare support, the poet Lucille Lang Day discovers a shifting identity—the anxious applicant, the gaudy outfit she wears, the mirror between.



Jodi Hottel Voyeur
California poet Jodi Hottel discovered her changing identity after her Japanese American family was shipped to an internment camp during World War II.

Langston Hughes Was a Lifelong Socialist

Billy Anania Jacobin
In the 30s and 40s, Langston Hughes wrote poetic tributes to the working class and socialist leaders worldwide. Some critics allege he abandoned his principles later in life, but they ignore the role of McCarthyist oppression and Hughes’s resistance.


The 84th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War

Simon Anton Niño Diego Baena Bitter Oleander
Simon Baena’s homage to the Spanish Republic reflects the continuing grief of the lost anti-fascist cause of the 1930s.


Withdrawal Symptoms

Dave Bonta Rattle
“I’ve been appalled but not surprised,” writes poet Dave Bonta, criticizing “the slanted coverage of the U.S. and NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan” by media war hawks.
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