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U.S. Police Trainers With Far-Right Ties Are Teaching Hundreds of Cops

Julia Harte and Alexandra Ulmer Reuters
One police instructor who has taught 560 officers in recent years has joined one extremist group and supported other far-right movements. Others have echoed QAnon and other fringe conspiracy theories on social media, a Reuters examination found.

Police Violence Is Not Inevitable

Steve Early YES! Magazine
Four Ways a California Police Chief Connected Cops With Communities A critical look at any institution with as much power and authority invested in it as the police is probably a good thing.

US Police Get Antiterror Training in Israel on Privately Funded Trips

Ali Winston The Center for Investigative Reporting
The law enforcement seminars in some ways resemble other privately funded trips to Israel, such as the birthright trips for Jewish young adults and programs for politicians, educators and other professionals. Stops on the law enforcement tours include not just the Western Wall, but also West Bank border checkpoints, military facilities and surveillance installations.
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