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Tidbits – June 13 – Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; Pride Month Event – Telling the Stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; One Nation Not Rolling Out Red Carpet for the Rich; Pride Month Event - Telling the stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; more...

The Criminalization of Solidarity: The Stop Cop City Prosecutions

Tadhg Larabee and Eva Rosenfeld Dissent Magazine
Georgia’s sweeping, political application of conspiracy law echoes tactics that shattered the left a hundred years ago, when the government targeted socialist parties and militant unions with laws against criminal syndicalism, espionage, and sedition

The New Anti-Antisemitism

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
You know who has good reason to fear for their safety? People, many of them Jews, getting pummeled by cops and fascists. People getting high-powered rifles aimed at them from rooftops by agents of the state told to be ready to shoot....

Friday Nite Videos | June 23, 2023

'Elect Clowns, Expect a Circus.' The Case for a 4-Day Work Week | Juliet Schor. Republican Grifting Exposed, Chief Justice John Roberts Confronted. 'Re-Indicted' - A Parody | Emma's Revolution. Former Cop's 'My Girlfriend Stole My Car' Excuse.
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