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Election 2024: A Chess Move, Not a Valentine

Rand Wilson Stansbury Forum
All Americans are impacted by attacks on democracy and can be rallied to work for imperfect Democratic candidates to block authoritarians like Donald Trump. While it’s tempting to cast our votes based on emotion it is too risky.

Slow Change Can Be Radical Change

Rebecca Solnit Literary Hub
Describing the slowness of change is often confused with acceptance of the status quo. It’s really the opposite.

Obsessive Culture War Is a Dead End. Just Ask Ron DeSantis.

Ben Burgis Jacobin
Ron DeSantis went all in on the niche fixations of online right-wing culture warriors. In the process, his failed presidential campaign proved that the Right’s obsessive “anti-wokeness” is a political cul-de-sac.

Tidbits – Nov. 9, 2023 – Reader Comments: Ceasefire, Humanitarian Pause, Stop Bombing, Free Hostages; Stop Ethnic Cleansing; Israeli Apartheid; Labor Victories This Year; New Film – ISRAELISM Documentary; Building Progressive Political Power;

Reader Comments: Ceasefire, Humanitarian Pause, Stop the Bombing, Free the Hostages; Stop Ethnic Cleansing; Israel an Apartheid State; Labor Victories This Year; New Film - ISRAELISM documentary; Strategies to Build Progressive Political Power; more

The GOP’s Grand Immigration Con Job

Thom Hartmann The Hartmann Report
Republicans have figured out how to have it both ways. They get cheap labor for their big business buddies, while stoking the hate and fear of their white racist base
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