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Forced Prison Labor in the “Land of the Free”

Nina Mast Economic Policy Institute
These exploitative dynamics are rooted in slavery and are particularly extreme in the South, which incarcerates people—primarily Black men—at the highest rates in the world.

Friday Nite Videos | December 27, 2024

The $1 Trillion Private Health Insurance Scam. The Real Reason Polio Is So Dangerous. Nickel Boys | Movie. Kurt Vonnegut's Letter to the Future. 25 Million Stitches: A Refugee Exhibit.

Nickel Boys | Movie

Based on the true story of two boys imprisoned in a juvenile detention facility that covered up a long history of abuse


Sing Sing Is a Humanizing Portrait of the Dehumanized

Alex N. Press Jacobin
Prisons serve as giant holding pens for people our society has come to see as subhuman. Sing Sing resists such dehumanization through a tender portrait of the creative capabilities and emotional lives of prison actors.

Friday Nite Videos | October 6, 2023

Trump Takes Real Step Toward Becoming House Speaker. Speaker of the House | Randy Rainbow Song Parody. Who Killed Che? Prison Health Care | John Oliver. What if We Bring Back Life From Mars?

Prison Health Care | John Oliver

Damn writers! No sooner do they end their strike than they're back to writing jokes and raking up muck. And this shit needed exposing.

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