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The Science (and Business) Behind COVID-19 Disinformation

Katelyn Jetelina Your Local Epdemiologist
Covid-19 disinformation is coordinated, effective, lucrative, and costs lives. This is true during the pandemic and it will be true for other public health problems. It’s a public health and biosecurity threat. And we need to treat it like one.

COVID in China, the U.S., and Everything In-Between

Katelyn Jetelina Your Local Epdemiologist
We should be very concerned for the people of China. They have gone from a “zero COVID” policy to a “let it rip” policy. It is possible that a variant of concern will arise from their disaster. But the U.S. already has a problem of its own.

What Next-Gen COVID-19 Vaccines Might Look Like

Bob Holmes Knowable Magazine
From building up defenses in the nose to slowing down a virus’s ability to make copies of itself, scientists are rolling out a raft of creative approaches to fighting infection

Tidbits – Nov. 03, 2022 – Reader Comments, Elections – High Inflation, Huge Profits, Why Not Price Freeze; Politicians Giving Medical Advice; Lula Wins!; Mayor, UFT Push Medicare Advantage; Public Health; Mike Davis Tribute; Angela Y. Davis

Reader Comments, Elections - High Inflation, Huge Profits, Why Not Price Freeze; Politicians Giving Medical Advice; Lula Wins!; Mayor, UFT Push Medicare Advantage; Copyright legislation; Public health; Mike Davis Tribute; Evening with Angela Y. Davis

Friday Nite Videos | February 18, 2022

Jordan Klepper Takes on Canadian Truckers. When the Levee Breaks | Playing for Change. Louisiana Senate Candidate Burns Confederate Flag. How Pandemics End. Attica - Largest Prison Uprising in US History.

How Pandemics End

As the world enters a third year of the coronavirus pandemic, people wonder when and how it will end. History offers important lessons.

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