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Caste Links US Racism to Oppressive Structures in India and Nazi Germany.

Gaiutra Bahadur The New Republic
Book cover of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson. Pulitzer prize winning author Isabel Wilkerson’s new book Caste strives to reveal the structures of US oppression and build kinship. But, while she effectively uses the vocabulary of a systemic problem, the solutions she suggests are not systemic.


These Scholars Have Been Pointing Out Atticus Finch's Racism for Years

Laura Marsh The New Republic
One of the biggest literary stories of the summer has been the controversy over To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee's new novel, Go Set a Watchman. It turns out To Kill a Mockingbird hero Atticus Finch, as portrayed in this new book, was far more racist than fans of Lee's earlier novel remember. Should they have been surprised? Laura Marsh talks to several scholars who say Finch's racism was here all along, if readers had only taken the care to look.
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