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A Regional Reign of Terror

Eric Foner The New York Review
Most Americans now grasp that violence was essential to the functioning of slavery, but a new book excavates the lesser known brutality of everyday Black life in the Jim Crow South.

British Genocide in Kenya: Time for a Reckoning

Mehdi Alavi Fair Observer
During the colonial era, Britain routinely committed ethnic cleansing and applied genocidal policies in Kenya. It is time Britain apologized and paid reparations to millions of Kenyans who suffered under British rule.

Friday Nite Videos | January 6, 2023

The Case for a $20/Hour Minimum Wage. The Beat, It Travels: Reggaeton. Boebert and Hannity Clash, Republicans Turn On Trump. How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole. What New Zealand Can Teach Us About Reparations.
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