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Will the US Move Toward “Demonstration Elections”?

Van Gosse The Nation
If fascism—or even just an authoritarian regime—does happen here in November, it may look surprisingly familiar. The current Supreme Court is likely to go along with whatever bald-faced violation of constitutional norms Trump orders...

Tidbits – Dec. 22, 2022 – Reader Comments: Georgia Victory, Electoral Politics, Electoral Strategy; Rail Workers; Doctors and Unions; After Dobbs; Ending ‘American War’: Promises, Realities, Impact of U.S. Peace Movement; Cartoons, More …

Reader Comments: Congress to the People: Jan. 06 The Grave Crimes of Donald Trump, IRS Returns Show Paid Zero Taxes; Remembering Charlene Mitchell; Readers Disagree: Ukraine War; Concern about AI; White Lotus; Countries with Most Female Inventors

Did Trump’s Actions on January 6 Reach the Level of Treason?

Jesse Jackson Chicago Sun-Times
The hearings have shown, Donald Trump was in the room. Was it treason? The framers of the Constitution had “a very specific image in mind — men gathering with guns, forming an army and marching on the seat of government.”

Without Mark Meadows, January 6th Might Never Have Happened

Susan B. Glasser The New Yorker
Mark Meadows, Donald Trump's final chief of staff supported the reckless pursuit of the “rigged election” fever dream which Trump personally began laying the groundwork for months before the election had even taken place, and still refuses to disavow

Is Putin Heading Toward a Partition of Ukraine?

Zoltán Grossman CounterPunch
Teaching college classes about the geographies of Russia and East-Central Europe, it is becoming clear that Putin’s ultimate goal is to carve off a distinct Russian-speaking region from Ukraine. The partition of Ukraine is very much on the table.

The Case for Prosecuting Donald Trump

Boston Globe Editors Boston Globe
Trump’s presidency made clear that our institutions are currently incapable of holding presidents accountable for breaking the law. Unless he faces consequences, the message to future corrupt leaders is that they will not face consequences either.
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