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Venezuela’s Disputed Election and the Path Forward

Center for Economic and Policy Research CEPR
The crisis in Venezuela is unlikely to be resolved soon. Public pressure for diplomacy, negotiations, an end to sanctions and other illegal, coercive measures; and in favor of cooperation with other governments who share those goals is needed.

Only Outside Pressure Can Stop Israel’s War Crimes

Naomi Klein The Guardian
In 2005, Palestinians called on the world to boycott Israel until it complied with international law. What if we had listened? The current atrocities in Gaza dramatically strengthen the case for boycott, divestment and sanctions.

There Is a Jewish Hope for Palestinian Liberation. It Must Survive.

Peter Beinart New York Times
When Palestinians resist oppression in ethical ways — by calling for boycotts, sanctions and the application of international law — the U.S. allies work to ensure those efforts fail, which convinces Palestinians that ethical resistance doesn’t work

A Picture of Global Complicity: Aiding Myanmar’s Military Regime

Binoy Kampmark CounterPunch
Myanmar’s military junta is not short of partners. Indeed, business, notably in the arms market, continues unabated. Such conduct makes a mockery of the sanctio ns and injunctions imposed by the EU, United States and other states since the 2021 coup.
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