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Commemoration of the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising

Frank Emspak Portside
Wisconsin working people are at a cross roads. If we are to regain workplace rights we will have to show the employer how valuable we are. In the absence of that, even with effective political mobilization, the balance of forces will not change.


The 8th Wonder of the World* (*wonder not guaranteed)

Josh Dzieza The Verge
In 2017, President Donald Trump and the Wisconsin GOP struck a deal with Foxconn that promised to turn Southeastern Wisconsin into a tech manufacturing powerhouse. Three years later, the factory — and the jobs — don’t exist, and probably never will.

How Wisconsin Became a Bastion of White Supremacy

Emma Roller The New Republic
If Democrats want to win Wisconsin this fall—a big “if” still, according to Democrats on the ground—they will have to face down the ugly, and still largely unacknowledged, legacy of white supremacy in America’s Dairyland.


Hacked Records Show Bradley Foundation Taking its Conservative Wisconsin Model National

Daniel Bice The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
Records make clear the Bradley Foundation no longer simply favors groups promoting its signature issues: taxpayer-funded school choice and increased work requirements for welfare recipients. It now regularly funds nonprofits that are, among other things, hostile to labor unions, skeptical of climate change or critical of the loosening of sexual mores in American culture.


Who Moved My Teachers?

Patrick Caldwell Mother Jones
Wisconsin's war on unions has gutted schools. The rest of America could be next.
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