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Unions Must Seize the Moment To Organize the South

Ben Carroll Jacobin
After a victory in Tennessee and a loss in Alabama, the UAW is pressing onward in its fight to organize the notoriously anti-union South. The fate of Southern workers — and all workers — depends on the movement’s willingness to think big.


“American Lessons” From the Labor Notes 2024 Conference

Salvo Leonardi Stansbury Forum
The key to this grassroots unionism lies in the connection between organizing and collective bargaining aimed at improvements in wages, working and living conditions. What was striking, from an Italian viewpoint, was the lack of political discussion.


The 2023 UAW Strike: A Turning Point in Labor History?

Nelson Lichtenstein New Labor Forum
Should the UAW's southern organizing drive succeed, then its 2023 work stoppage will stand with the great strikes of 1937 and 1946 as a social and political achievement of epic proportions.

Friday Nite Videos | January 26, 2024

The Verdict Is In: Trump Must Pay $$$. Animation: Trump Asserts Absolute Immunity. UAW Endorses President Biden. Origin | Movie. Have You Been to Jail for Justice? | Song.

UAW Endorses President Biden

UAW President Shawn Fain: "If our endorsements must be earned, Joe Biden has earned it...the UAW is endorsing Joe Biden for president of the United States."

UAW Strikers Have Scored a Historic, Transformative Victory

Nelson Lichtenstein Jacobin
With its successful strike, UAW broke with decades of concessions, won on pay and workplace democracy, and launched a new national labor leader. There’s much more organizing to be done, but this is an unmitigated victory for the entire working class.
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