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Heather Cox Richardson on March 15th, the Day Maine Joined the Union

Heather Cox Richardson Letters from an American
Maine's petition for statehood was stopped dead by southerners who refused to permit a free state—one that did not permit human enslavement—to enter the Union without a corresponding “slave state” resulting in the infamous "Missouri Compromise."


The Missing Persons of Reconstruction

Joshua D. Rothman The New Republic
Enslaved families were regularly separated​. A new history chronicles the tenacious efforts of the emancipated to be reunited​ with their loved ones.

The Reckless Creation of Whiteness

Erin L. Thompson The Nation
In The Unseen Truth, Sarah Lewis examines how an erroneous 18th-century story about the “Caucasian race” led to a centuries of prejudice and misapprehension.


The Charge Sheet Against Rule Britannia

Colin Grant The Guardian
In this ambitious sequel to Empireland, the journalist travels far and wide to examine the legacy of British imperialism, piecing together an important rebuttal of revisionist narratives

Marx Goes to Texas

Ryan Moore Protean
In October of 1845, having been silenced by government censors—and on the run from possible extradition—Karl Marx once thought about moving to Texas.
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