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Tidbits - July 20, 2017 - Reader Comments: Capitalism?; Charters; Made in America or Internationalism?; Black Panther Party, Paul Robeson, Peekskill, Dashiel Hammett, IWW; Nuclear Weapons; Israel; Rasmea Odeh; Resources; Announcements; and more...

Reader Comments: Capitalism in our Future?; Bosses - Like Dictators - and now one is our President?; More on School Charters; Trump's Made in America or Working Class Internationalism?; Looking at Radical History - Black Panther Party, Paul Robeson, Peekskill, Dashiel Hammett, IWW; UN and Banning of Nuclear Weapons or a Return to "Duck Under Your Desk?"; South Africa, Israel; Rasmea Odeh; Resources; Announcements; and more...


Red Dawn: On China Miéville’s Urgent Retelling of the Russian Revolution

Alci Rengifo Los Angeles Review of Books
China Miéville looks at the Revolution as a hopeful flashpoint that briefly showed the promise of socialist transformation, before descending first into an authoritarian nightmare and then today's corrupt capitalism. Written with an urgency designed for our era of struggle absent clear political ideologies or unified mass socialist organizations, Mieville focuses on the revolutionary moment, using his skill as a story teller to see the participants in real time.

Tidbits - July 6, 2017 - Reader Comments: Trump Lies; Voting Rights Danger; July 4th; Georgia Special Election; Healthcare; Socialism's Future; Wonder Woman; Massachusetts Attack on BDS; Free Non Violent Resistance Trainings; and more....

Reader Comments: Trump Lies; Voting Rights in Danger; July 4th; Georgia Special Election - Theft?; Healthcare Fightback; Readers comment on Socialism's Future; Wonder Woman; Massachusetts Legislative Attack on BDS; Free Non Violent Resistance Trainings; and more....

Socialism’s Future May Be Its Past

Bhaskar Sunkara New York Times
Our 21st-century Finland Station won’t be a paradise. You might feel heartbreak and misery there. But it will be a place that allows so many now crushed by inequity to participate in the creation of a new world.

Coalition Politics and the Fight for Socialism

Joseph M. Schwartz Democratic Socialists of America
We have to build our organization and not just show up for rallies. DSA will have to “walk on two legs,” sustaining mass opposition to the Trump administration and its red-state equivalents while building social movements for economic, gender, and racial justice that can spur electoral challenges to pro-corporate Democratic incumbents.

Tidbits - June 8, 2017 - Reader Comments: Paris Climate Withdrawal a Crime; Free Speech on Campus; China Labor; Unexpected Afterlife of American Communism; Jews Against Settlements; Whole Foods; Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor; Union-Worker Coops; Korea; and more

Reader Comments: Paris Climate Agreement - Withdrawing is a Crime; Free Speech on Campus; Ivanka's Shoes in China; The Unexpected Afterlife of American Communism; Jews Against Settlements; Hate Crimes; Wonder Woman; Whole Foods; Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Attacked; Resources: Labor Activism; Immigration politics; Announcements: Union-Worker Coop - tomorrow; Webinar: Korea, Labor and Anti-Militarism; Women's March to Ban the Bomb; and more...

Democratize This

Michal Rozworski Jacobin
Labour’s plans to pursue democratic models of ownership are the most radical aspect of Corbyn’s program.

The Birth of a Holiday

Eric Hobsbawm Jacobin
The late Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm recounts the origins of International Workers' Day.
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