Understanding the reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan in the early twentieth century gives insight into the roots of today’s reactionary activists and policymakers.
Researchers now estimate tens of millions of Americans may ultimately move away from extreme heat and drought, storms and wildfires. The Southern United States stands to be especially transformed.
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
This Report documents how voters of color, young voters and those with disabilities have been targeted with repressive laws and policies that undermine the hard-fought progress secured during the Civil Rights era.
For at least the last 40 years, pay and job quality for workers across the South has been inferior compared to other regions—thanks to the racist and anti-worker Southern economic development model.
Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation: This spotlight details the racist history of tipping, federal and state policy governing tipped work, and the experience of tipped workers in the economy—both nationwide and in the South.
Supreme Court Update: It's as Bad as You Think. Rainbow Connection (Donald Trump Song Parody). The Next Worker Uprising: Daimler Truck & Thomas Built. Wait! I Said DE-Escalate! Can AI Help Us Talk to Whales?
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