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Elon Musk Is South African. We Shouldn’t Forget It.

William Shoki New York Times
Discussion of Mr. Musk often misses something: He is a white South African, part of a demographic that for centuries sat atop a racial hierarchy maintained by violent colonial rule. That history matters. He is in fact a distinctly ideological figure.

Make Apartheid Great Again?

Zeb Larson, William Minter Foreign Policy in Focuss
Trump's actions signal need to understand global history of white supremacy. His executive order "human rights violations occurring in South Africa" echo a long history of support for racism in Southern Africa, for apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia

Who Is Behind Trump’s Intimidation of South Africa?

Max Du Preez Vrye Weekblad
Donald Trump's bizarre, fact-free threat against South Africa did not just arise in the back of his head last week. It is the initiative of alt-right ex-South Africans in America and like-minded people here (in South Africa) who are urging them on.
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