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Cori Bush, Activist-Politician, Still Inspires Working People Like Me

India Walton Progressive Hub
Rep. Cori Bush is the first line of defense for working-class people and the most vulnerable members of our community. We need her in Congress because we need people to represent us all, people with a moral compass who will stand up to big money.


Oh Say AOC

David Klion Bookforum
This new book is a chronicle of the Democratic Party’s left flank


Labor’s 2024 Political Dilemma

Rand Wilson and Peter Olney In These Times
In order to defeat AIPAC, defend The Squad, and withstand the onslaught of the MAGA movement, we need to do something many of us fundamentally don’t want to do: double down on trying to move Biden on Gaza, as well as trying to secure his re-election.

Tidbits – Jan. 11, 2024 – Reader Comments: Enough IS Enough!; Seizing Russia’s Frozen Assets – Readers Ask: What About Israel?; Supreme Ballot; Chicken Soup; Forums: What Should Progressives Do About Biden?; Protect the Squad & Block the Right;

Reader Comments: Enough IS Enough!; Seizing Russia’s Frozen Assets - Readers Ask: What About Israel?; Supreme Ballot; Texas Abortion Law; Chicken Soup; Forum: What Should Progressives Do About Biden?; Protect the Squad & Block the Right in 2024; more

How Ideology Can Help (or Hurt) Movements Trying To Build Power

Mark Engler and Paul Engler Waging Nonviolence
Bernie Sanders and the Squad have helped pave the way for open socialists to win elected seats in multiple levels of government at a scale that has not been seen in a century. Many progressives are taking a new look at the importance of ideology.
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