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Ninth Rock From the Sun

Stephen Colbert and Neil deGrasse Tyson riff, with scientific rigor and lots of humor, about the New Horizons findings, Pluto weirdness, and the demotion (or elevation?) of Pluto from planet to king of the Kuiper Belt.

Tidbits - December 25, 2014- Holiday edition

Reader Comments-Colbert Nation; Is It Band Enough Yet; Southern Jim Crow Murder; Cuba; How America's Relationship With Cuba Will Change; We express our condolences - Millions March NYC and Center for Constitutional Rights; Angela Davis on police violence; Youth Shall Lead in struggle against police violence; Political Athletes; "Negro-Jewish Unity" and IWO; torture; FBI; Panama invasion; New resources: On Torture; Staughton Lynd book; Stevie Wonder; theater review

Friday Nite Videos -- December 19, 2014

Millions March NYC (Time Lapse). Best of the Colbert Report. Stormscapes 2. Samuel L Jackson: 'Call Out Racist Police Violence.' Top 10 Cutest Animals of Science of 2014.

Farewell, Colbert Nation

Eric Boehlert Media Matters
Colbert once described his character as a "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot." Colbert has resonated because Fox News is currently filled with closed-minded millionaire hosts who perfectly mirror the buffoonery Colbert projects every week.

Friday Nite Videos -- September 19, 2014

Brother Earth (Boots Riley). Playing for Change: La Bamba. Sarah Jones: The Future. Colbert: No Boots on the Ground in Iraq. 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds.
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