Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Keith Brower Brown
Labor Notes
In some of the most exciting fights of 2024, strikers shut down ports on the East Coast and backed up plane orders on the West. The coming year is full of expiring contracts that could keep the strike wave rolling.
Donald Trump will do his best to undermine unions. But the labor movement still has momentum on its side and numerous opportunities to seize. Trump’s presidency has to be a time for labor action, not despair.
New deal includes $7,000 ratification bonus, enhanced retirement contributions
Offer could end month-old strike
Boeing negotiated proposal came after talks with Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Julie Su
On Sept. 23, Boeing announced a new contract offer, but did so in a press release and directly to members instead of to their union in bargaining. Union members said the proposal was inadequate, and disrespectful in the way it bypassed the union.
The terms are a total victory for dockworkers and for smooth supply chain operation, as the White House faced down exorbitant shipper profits. What would Trump have done?
Rank-and-file autoworkers democratized their union, elected president Shawn Fain, and won a landmark strike. Now they will have to win local officer positions, dominated by the old guard, to hold bosses to their word and maintain a fighting union.
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