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Students for Gaza Are Undeterred

Arun Gupta Yes Magazine
Beaten, doxxed, threatened, arrested, and suspended, college students learned from past movements to put their bodies on the line for Gaza.

Tidbits – May 16 – Reader Comments: Trump Trial, Arms to Netanyahu, Campus Protests – Impact on Gaza War, Colleges, Society, Elections; Palestine, Gaza, Israel; Haiti; Kenya; Sing in Solidarity; Song Nights for Social Change; Cartoons; More …

Reader Comments: Trump Trial, Arms to Netanyahu, Campus Protests - Impact on Gaza War, Colleges, Society, Elections; Palestine, Gaza, Israel; Haiti; Kenya; Sing in Solidarity; Song Nights For Social Change; Cartoons; more ....

The New Anti-Antisemitism

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
You know who has good reason to fear for their safety? People, many of them Jews, getting pummeled by cops and fascists. People getting high-powered rifles aimed at them from rooftops by agents of the state told to be ready to shoot....

Tidbits – May 9 – Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more.....

Will They Crush the Biggest Student Movement Since Vietnam?

Jewish Voice for Peace Jewish Voice for Peace
In a matter of days, dozens of Gaza solidarity encampments have sprung up on over a hundred university campuses across the U.S. It’s the biggest student movement since the anti-war protests that swept U.S. universities in the 1960s.

Tidbits – May 2 – Reader Comments: UAW’s Fain in Solidarity With Students; Letter to Columbia Pres Shafik; Students Need Our Support Now; Anti-Zionism in the Jewish Community; Research Tools for Organizers; Setting a Larger Table-Religion & Socialism

Reader Comments: UAW's Sean Fain in Solidarity with Students; Letter to Columbia President Shafik; Students need our support now; Anti-Zionism in the Jewish Community; Research Tools for Organizers; Setting a Larger Table - Religion & Socialism; more

Tidbits – Feb.29, 2024 – Reader Comments: Alabama Supreme Court Decision; Aaron Bushnell; Nex Benedict; How To Avoid Climate Collapse; Jerusalem Youth Chorus North American Spring Tour; Southern Student Organizing Committee Reunion; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Leap Year; Alabama Supreme Court Decision; Aaron Bushnell; ¡Presente! Nex Benedict; How to avoid climate collapse; Jerusalem Youth Chorus North American Spring Tour; Southern Student Organizing Committee Reunion; Cartoons; more....
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