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Supreme Court Gets Down to Business

Michael Waldman Brennan Center for Justice
The new term is for the megadonors who want a conservative Supreme Court to help them neuter the government regulators who hold power over their businesses.

This Week in People’s History, Oct. 10-Oct. 16

President Reagan sitting at his desk in front of an aerial photo of fighter plans on the ground in Cuba U.S. to World Court: Drop Dead! (in 1983). ACT UP shuts down FDA (1988). Secrecy runs amuck (1973). Stars and stripes fly over Dixie (1863). GIs strike against Vietnam War (1968). SCOTUS prefers civil wrongs (1883). Athletes protest racism (1968).

How American Democracy Fell So Far Behind

Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt The Atlantic
The country’s Constitution was once the standard-bearer for the world. Today, many other countries have much fairer systems for electing their leaders and passing laws.

Now Republicans Are Trying To Redefine Abortion Itself

Jessica Valenti New York Times
In the year since Roe v. Wade was overturned, the Republican Party has tested out constantly changing talking points and messages on abortion in an attempt to make its anti-abortion policies sound less extreme.
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