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Can Left Parties Oppose Militarism?

Jonathan Michael Feldman The Global Teach-In
When questions are raised about militarism towards the Global South, the liberal-to-left militarists will to resort to claims of whataboutism, a mind-numbing concept which attempts to link opposition to militarism with solidarity with Putin. 

The Ecological Power Gap in Sweden

Jonathan Michael Feldman Portside
Ecological imperialism is a "blind spot" for environmentalists who cannot see the connection between war and ecocide. We would expect environmentalists to fight for disarmament and support the conversion of military technology into civilian production.

The Arctic Is the Next Frontier in the New Cold War

Renate Bridenthal Geopolitical Economy
Geostrategically located, with profitable natural resources, the Arctic is rapidly becoming a militarized zone of power politics in the new cold war, contested by the US and Europe, Russia and China.
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