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Definitions Matter

James J. Zogby Arab American Institute
According to pro-Israel groups it is unacceptable to refer to what Israel is doing in Gaza as “genocide” or “terrorism,” as if there were better terms to use to describe: the indiscriminate bombing of heavily populated areas.

Tidbits – Nov. 2, 2023 – Reader Comments: Israel-Gaza War – Ceasefire, Stop the Bombing, Free the Hostages; Stop Ethnic Cleansing; Staggering Oil Profits; Bela Lugosi; Artists Call for Ceasefire Now; Workers Unite Film Festival

Reader Comments: Israel-Gaza War - Ceasefire, Stop the Bombing, Free the Hostages; Stop Ethnic Cleansing; Never Again. For Anyone; New House Speaker; Staggering Oil Profits; Bela Lugosi; Artists Call for Ceasefire Now; Workers Unite Film Festival

Tidbits – Oct. 26, 2023 – Reader Comments: Israel-Gaza War – Ceasefire, Stop the Bombing, Free the Hostages; Israeli Occupation and Apartheid; Solidarity and War Crimes; House Speaker; Elliott Abrams; Take Action for Ceasefire; Gaza Sources; More..

Reader Comments: Israel-Gaza War - Ceasefire, Stop the Bombing, Free the Hostages; Israeli Occupation and apartheid; Solidarity and War Crimes; House Speaker; Elliott Abrams; Take Action for Ceasefire; Gaza Sources; Announcements; more....

The Most Successful Murder in History

Daniel Matamala La Tercera
After the signing of the Oslo Accords, fundamentalist rabbis branded Rabin a “traitor” and issued a din rodef against him, an authorization to assassinate him. Benjamin Netanyahu, then leader of the opposition, was the keynote speaker at two protests
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