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Left-Wing Populism Can Win in Trump-Voting Areas, Too

Interview with Jonathan Smucker and Allison Troy by Jared Abbott Jacobin
Progressives write off Republican-leaning counties across America to their own detriment. With working-class candidates, populist messaging, and effective organization, we can make major inroads in “Trump country” that will pay dividends for years to come.

The Primary Route – Pathway for Democratic Socialists

Tom Gallagher The Stansbury Forum
Will the future include an American left consistently able to navigate the often murky challenges of real world politics? Or does it fall back to its traditional, largely non-participant critique, generally delivered from the margins?

Let’s Talk Bernie 2020

Hamilton Nolan and Bhaskar Sunkara Jacobin
Should Bernie Sanders be the Left’s presidential candidate in 2020? Hamilton Nolan and Bhaskar Sunkara revive the great American tradition of arguing about Bernie online.

Thoughts on a Bernie Sanders Run

Bill Fletcher, Jr. The Progressive
... if the candidate has a real mass base, is building a broad progressive front around a clear, transformational program, and sees the candidacy as one step in a multitiered process, then it might be worth going for it.
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