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Friday Nite Videos | June 14, 2024

Deep-Sea Mining | John Oliver. They Might Incarcerate Me: The Ballad of Donald Trump. Hitler and the Nazis | Documentary. Dear Mamma: a Transgender Journey in Letters. Why Do So Many Americans Support a Neofascist?


Union and Queer

Jim Grossfeld The American Prospect
The growing solidarity between unions and the LGBTQ+ community is key component of the revitalization of the labor movement.

Tidbits – Mar. 30, 2023 – Reader Comments: Attack on Public Education; Transgender Phobia; Guns, Schools, Children; Wisconsin; Florida; War in Ukraine; Nuclear Weapons; Travel to Cuba; April 4 – Dr. King’s Legacy; Building Socialist Alliances;

Reader Comments: Attack on Public Education; Transgender Phobia; Guns, Schools, Children; Wisconsin; Florida; War in Ukraine; Nuclear Weapons; Fossil Fuels; Travel to Cuba; April 4 - Dr. King's Legacy; Building Socialist Alliances for Policy;

Tidbits – Mar. 09, 2023 – Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert – Tenn; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja;

Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Centennial Year Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja; Cartoons; more ....

Israel’s New Government Learned From the U.S. Far Right

Shiri Eisner +972 Magazine
The goal of Israel’s fascist right is to establish a religious dictatorship run according to their openly oppressive principles, explicitly targeting Palestinians, LGBTQ people, women, and most every marginalized group in Israel.
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