The increasing number of murdered women, armed civilians, construction of ever larger prisons and violence against animals are manifestations of "war mentality". Violence we encounter every day is closely linked to wars we think are far away.
AP News
Demands for economic justice, protests against political repression and solidarity with Palestine -- and with students standing in solidarity with Palestinians -- marked May Day rallies across the globe.
"You opened the door to the rise of democracy, equality, and freedom," Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu said following his re-election. "You ignited hope at the ballot box."
Reader Comments: GOP Winner of Iowa Caucus Has Been Total Loser Come Election Day; Military and Climate Crisis; Looking to CIO - Post "Forgot" Left Leaders of Auto Strike; Learn Revolutionary Medicine - in Cuba; Global Protests for Palestine; more..
“We need to have a grown-up conversation about what kind of system do we need, that will stop this ridiculous, outrageous harming that we're doing to ourselves and the planet.” - Gail Bradbrook
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