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States Don’t Have a Right To Exist. People Do.

Peter Beinart New York Times
If America’s leaders prioritized the lives of all those who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, it would become clear that asking if Israel has a right to exist is the wrong question.

The Not-So-Secret History of Netanyahu’s Support for Hamas

Ghousoon Bisharat +972 Magazine
From sabotaging Oslo to funneling Qatari cash into Gaza, Bibi has spent his career bolstering Hamas to help perpetuate the conflict. Even after Oct. 7, argues historian Adam Raz, he's still advancing the same strategy.

25 Islamic Imans and Clerics Urge Muslims Across US To Defeat Trump

Brett Wilkins Common Dreams
"Knowingly enabling someone like Donald Trump to return to office, whether by voting directly for him or for a third-party candidate, is both a moral and a strategic failure." [Full letter from Islamic Imans and Clerics, listing signers is below]

The Two-State Solution Is an Unjust, Impossible Fantasy

Tareq Baconi New York Times
The Two-State solution mantra has allowed policymakers to avoid confronting the reality that partition is unattainable in the case of Israel and Palestine, and illegitimate as an arrangement originally imposed on Palestinians without their consent.

Schumer Spoke for Diaspora Jews

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Schumer was giving voice to what most Democratic officeholders believed but were afraid to say, and he clearly had the blessing of President Biden to go ahead and make that speech. It also showed the divide between Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews.
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