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Tidbits – Aug.10, 2023 – Reader Comments: Ohio Voted!; Hiroshima – Nagasaki – Never Again!; VFX Workers Unionizing at Marvel Studios; How Policy Has Shaped Racial Economic Disparities; Films: Sacco and Vanzetti; King Coal; Cartoons; More; …

Reader Comments: Ohio Voted!; Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Never Again!; VFX Workers Unionizing at Marvel Studios; How policy has shaped racial economic disparities; Film Discussion on Sacco and Vanzetti; New Film: King Coal; Cartoons; more; ....

Can Left Parties Oppose Militarism?

Jonathan Michael Feldman The Global Teach-In
When questions are raised about militarism towards the Global South, the liberal-to-left militarists will to resort to claims of whataboutism, a mind-numbing concept which attempts to link opposition to militarism with solidarity with Putin. 

Idiots, No Longer Useful

Boris Kagarlitsky Russian Dissent
Arrests of 'Angry Patriots' like war blogger Igor Strelkov in Russia have begun. No matter how wrong the Angry Patriots may be, they are punished not for their sins, not even for their principles, but for the fact that they have principles at all.

On War, Assange, Refugees and Climate, Lula Is Outraged

Paolo Vittoria Il Manifesto Global
We must build a utopia that can defeat the utopia of the right, which says the state is worth nothing, the state must be weak and private initiative solves everything. We have to make sure that the movement of people is as free as economic movement.

The Russians Who Are Returning

Meduza staff Meduza
‘It’s not me who needs to leave.’ Meduza asked some of their readers who left Russia during the war and came back why they returned. Here’s what they said.

The Peace Movement and Ukraine: John Feffer Replies to Critics

John Feffer New Politics
Continuing the debate over peace movement strategy and principles, John Feffer addresses proposals for the U.S. to cut off weapons to Ukraine, arms control with Russia, Ukraine membership in the European Union, and the Wagner mutiny.

Boris Kagarlitsky: My Peace Plan

Boris Kagarlitsky Russian Dissent
The left must offer a program of an honest peace without territorial conquest or any further aggressive policy, with remuneration for all destruction at the expense of those who unleashed this massacre.
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