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Unionized Grocery Workers Are a Sleeping Giant

Isaac Soto Caitlyn Clark Jacob Eshom Jacobin
Colorado Kroger workers are striking this week, and 130,000 union grocery workers are bargaining contracts this year. Reformers see it as a chance to transform the UFCW from America’s largest private sector union into a fighting force.


The UAW’s Rank-and-File Takeover Isn’t Over Yet

Keith Brower Brown / Jane Slaughter Labor Notes
Rank-and-file autoworkers democratized their union, elected president Shawn Fain, and won a landmark strike. Now they will have to win local officer positions, dominated by the old guard, to hold bosses to their word and maintain a fighting union.


How We Move Forward Together: The Rank & File Project

Abdullah F., Cyn Huang, and Marsha Niemeijer Convergence
By recruiting young radicals to the labor movement, the Rank & File Project hopes to build the base for a politics that can unify the working class around shared interests, & prioritize solidarity & workers’ rights within the workplace & outside it.


We Can Thank a Union Reform Caucus for the Militant UAW Strike

Jane Slaughter Jacobin
Today the UAW is making headlines for an energetic strike, helmed by new leadership that doesn’t shy away from the language of class war. It’s happening, in large part, because a small group of workers got together four years ago to reform their unio


Can Labor Seize Its ‘Movement Moment’?

Rand Wilson and Peter Olney Stansbury Forum
If we agree that a revived labor movement—and more worker organizing—is essential to combat the far right or tackle economic inequality, then we can’t wait for union treasuries to open. It’s imperative to unite as much of the labor movement as possible with a broader Left to defend our entire democracy.
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