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The Slow Suicide of the State of Israel

John Walbridge Informed Comment
The two-state solution is now impossible, made so by the foolish decisions of a series of Israeli governments to allow massive Jewish settlement in the West Bank and enabling by the United States of America.

Notes on Fighting Trumpism

Robin D. G. Kelley Boston Review
To mobilize the abandoned working class, we need to revive the idea of solidarity.

Free Cash, Mergers, and Capital Spillage

Craig Medlen Monthly Review
It is the purpose of this article to relate how this creeping stagnation has added its own force in contributing to the monopoly power associated with consolidation and to current wealth disparities.

Hopping Across the Line

John Washington The New York Review
In Soldiers and Kings, Jason De León uses the anthropological method of “deep hanging out” to offer a complicated portrait of migrant smugglers.

A Working-Class History of Fighting Deportations

David Bacon Jacobin
The US working class has a long tradition of standing up against immigrant repression. This history is a reservoir of inspiration and strategic thinking — and it can help immigrant workers and communities confront Donald Trump’s promised wave of repr
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