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Viet Thanh Nguyen Broke a BDS Rule. Now He Is Its Vocal Advocate.

Edo Konrad and Alaa Salama +972 Magazine
The Vietnamese-American writer Viet Thanh Nguyen reflects on his ‘mea culpa’ with Israeli publishers, the diminishing power of Israeli and U.S. propaganda, and why cultural figures must take a public stance on Palestinian rights.

Tidbits - Feb. 25, 2021 - Reader Comments: Texas, Climate Change, Solar Energy; Student Debt; GOP as Cult; Rush Limbaugh; Myanmar Mass Civil Disobedience; Healthcare; End Cuban Blockade; Freedomways, Civil Rights, Race; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; more...

Reader Comments: Texas, Climate Change, Solar Energy; Cancel Student Debt; GOP as Cult; Rush Limbaugh; Myanmar Mass Civil Disobedience; Healthcare; End Cuban Blockade; Freedomways, Civil Rights, Race; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; resources, announcements
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