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It Took Trump Only Twenty-Four Days To Sell Out Ukraine

Susan B. Glasser The New Yorker
Trump's first formal phone call with Putin could hardly have been more ominous—a clear sign that the American President who praised Russia’s war on its neighbor as an act of strategic “genius” now intends to force a ceasefire on Putin’s terms.

Friday Nite Videos | June 7, 2024

Elon Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package. "Unconvictable" | Nat King Cole "Unforgettable" Parody. The Other Side of Gaza. Putin Like Hitler 'Crossed the Line', Zelenskiy Tells French Parliament. Jim Henson Idea Man | Movie.

The Ukrainian Left View on the Prospects of Peace Negotiations

Denys Bondar and Zakhar Popovych Соціальний Рух (Social Movement Ukraine)
Lately, in the West, the sentiment on the prospects of a peaceful end to the war imposed on the Ukrainian people is heard more and more often. But are such negotiations possible, and who will benefit from them? And does Putin actually want peace?

Volodymyr Zelensky Is Not a Comedian — And That’s No Joke

Barbara Garson The Nation
Servant of the People is among the world’s great satires, and Volodymyr Zelensky, who both writes and acts, is the most appealing “little guy” since Charlie Chaplin. A belated review of Servant of the People that may turn into an obituary.
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