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Rashid Khalidi on This Moment in Palestinian History

Peter Beinart, Rashid Khalidi Beinart Notebook
Peter Beinart hosts Columbia Professor Rashid Khalidi America’s most eminent historian of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian struggle on "This Moment in Palestinian History.”


Ceasefire Now!

Virginia Rodino and Kathy Black Coalition of Labor Union Women
The time has come for labor to speak out against war. We cannot become inured to the barbarism our species resorts to when conflicts arise. As women, workers, veterans and citizens of the world, we must demand a peaceful world, and work to create it

“Against Muslims Today Means Against Jews Again Tomorrow”

Iris Hefets and Nadija Samour The Left Berlin
Normalisation and full support in word and deed of Israeli settlement colonialism, apartheid and military occupation of Palestinian territories have paved the way for Germany to once again be involved as a world political superpower.

Why Child Labor Is Common in Gaza

Isra Saleh el-Namey The Electronic Intifada
child selling at street market OCHA has found that children are working amid “an increasingly destabilized economy” in Gaza, which has been under an Israeli siege for more than 12 years.

Israel Escalates Deadly Attacks in Gaza

Tamara Nassar The Electronic Intifada
Israeli airstrike explosion “The raids have caused fear and panic among civilians,” especially children, who are half of Gaza’s two million population.
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