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Never Again Means Never Again – for Anyone

Damon Silvers Reprinted from: Friday's Labor Folklore
To Marek Edelman "never again" meant "never again for anyone." It was a statement of human solidarity, not a license to commit mass murder of those you fear or wish to dispossess.

Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Marcus Barnett Jacobin
On this day in 1943, a band of Jewish resistance fighters launched an armed insurrection against the Nazis. They were proud socialists and internationalists.

Tidbits - April 21, 2016 - Reader Comments: Neo-Nazis in Austria; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement; Bernie, Hillary; Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill; and more...

Reader Comments: Report from Austria - Neo-Nazis Rise Again; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement from Marilyn Albert; Bernie, Hillary - Krugman, Latin American polices promoted by Secy. Clinton; Israeli Conscientious Objector; Jackie Robinson - readers correct the story; This Week in History - Celebrating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Announcement - Jeremy Corbyn and the State of Working Class Politics in Britain - New York - May 26
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