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Tidbits – May 30 – Reader Comments: Bombing Rafah Children – Where Is “Red Line?”; Trump and Palestine Protests; Response: Women Are Changing Labor Unions; NYC and Medicare Advantage; Organizations Raising Money for Humanitarian Relief in Rafah; More

Reader Comments: Bombing Rafah Children; Where is "Red Line?"; Trump and Palestine Protests; Response-Women Are Changing Labor Unions; NYC and Medicare Advantage; Organizations Raising Money for Humanitarian Relief in Rafah; Announcements; Cartoons;

Tidbits - December 11, 2014

Reader Comments - CIA Lied About Torture; A New Civil Rights Movement?; Grand Jury Injustice - Justice Demanded; Members of Congress (and staffers) join protest; Illegal Cop Murders; Police Reform? - Bolder Steps Needed; Low Wage Workers: 'We Can't Breathe'; Slavery, Founding Fathers and Torture; Congress Plots against Pensions; Pardon Snowden, Manning and Leonard Peltier; Israel Lobby and Ukraine; War on Terror; Israel, U.S. and space weapons; New Republic; Correction
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