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Women and the War In Syria

Hillary Margolis
Meet five women who are bearing the burden of conflict in Syria and persevering in spite of it.

Friday Nite Videos -- July 11, 2014

Inequality is real, and it was created. Charlie Haden: El Quinto Regimiento. Eat kelp. NYC Women Talk Cat Calling. Epic Rap Battle: Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye.

Totally Biased: NYC Women Talk Cat Calling

The women of NYC are sick of being harassed on the street so Kamau tries something different—treating them with respect. Afterwards, Kamau provides tips for men who want to make a change.


Face of U.S. Unions Shifting More to Public-Sector Workers, Women

Tom Raum The Detroit News (Associated Press)
A majority of union members today now have ties to a government entity, at the federal, state or local levels. Roughly 1-in-3 public-sector workers is a union member, compared with about 1-in-15 for the private-sector workforce. The typical union worker now is more likely to be an educator, office worker or food or service industry employee rather than a construction worker, autoworker, electrician or mechanic. Far more women than men are in unions.

Why Harris and Hobby Lobby Spell Disaster for Working Women

Sarah Jaffe In These Times
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby Monday, allowing "closely held" businesses to claim religious rights and avoid federal healthcare regulations that require employers to include birth control in insurance plans.

Today's Supreme Courts Rulings Against Women, Labor, Democracy and the President

Thao Nguyen; Brennan Center for Justice
Today, the Supreme Court handed down a decision striking a Massachusetts law that protects patient access to abortion clinics. The Court, upheld the historically broad interpretation of the president's recess appointments power, and opened the door to new forms of Senate obstruction by ruling that the president's recess appointments were invalid because the Senate had used "pro forma sessions" - sessions in name only - to avoid going into recess.

Pregnant in Prison

Lauren Kirchner Pacific Standard
Will Orange Is the New Black show the complicated reality?
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