NYU Langone Health gave the nurse, Hesen Jabr, an award for her work, for compassionate care. Later that day, she said hospital officials then fired her because she made pro-Palestinian remarks in an acceptance speech.
The creation of green jobs in agriculture requires state action to protect natural resources, encouraging sustainable practices to prevent pollution, while at the same time ensuring compliance with labour legislation and workers’ fundamental rights.
As space travel changes, not every single person in space will be an astronaut; eventually, someone will have to clean the space toilets. And when that day comes, we’ll need to talk about labor in space.
Reader Comments: March to End Fossil Fuels - THIS SUNDAY; Looming UAW Strike - What You Can Do; Abortion Rights Attacks on All Workers; Africa and France; Class Visits by Anti-War Veterans; 50 Years Ago Democracy Died in Chile; Cartoons; more....
This marks the first time Starbucks has settled with the National Labor Relations Board over allegations of violating labor law in connection with the union campaign.
The MAAN Workers Association, based in Israel, fights for worker rights and has joined the protest movement for democracy. "Without democracy there are no workers' rights".
Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Centennial Year Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja; Cartoons; more ....
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