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A Prophet for the Poor

Matthew Desmond The New York Review
In order to build a mass movement for economic justice, Reverend William Barber argues, we need to let go of the idea that poverty is an exclusively Black or urban issue.


What We Get Wrong About White Workers

Interview with Stephanie Ternullo by Chris Maisano Jacobin
Deindustrialization has helped create a right-wing turn in many Midwestern towns. Long traditions of labor militancy can explain why it hasn’t in others.


Why Do So Many Workers Love Trump?

Jared Abbott Jacobin
Racism and xenophobia are a part of why so many ordinary workers were won over to Donald Trump, but that's far from the whole story. A careful study breaks down how Trump spoke to economic grievances and personal experiences.

‘He’s Dangerous. So Is His Book.’

Michael Kruse Politico
An Appalachian writer says Hillbilly Elegy played to bogus notions on the left and right about the impoverished region. The only thing that benefited was Vance’s political career.


Blue-Collar Dan Osborn Against Nebraska’s Establishment

Steve Early Barn Raiser
In his campaign for the U.S. Senate, Osborn, who led a prominent labor strike against Kellogg’s in 2021, plans to bring together a coalition of farmers, union laborers and small business owners
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