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Techno-Fascism Comes to America

Kyle Chayka The New Yorker
An unelected tech billionaire has so much power over the government. Tech titans fell in line behind Trump, MAGA-style populism is giving way to an optimization-oriented vision for the country’s future. Historic parallels help explain Musk’s rampage.


We Can Breathe!

Gabriel Winant London Review of Books
The fascinating history of how the antifascist movement of the 1930s created "the left" as we know it today. Joseph Fronczak shows how socialists, liberals, communists, anarchists, and others achieved a semblance of unity in the fight against fascism

Remembering the Holocaust While Gaza Starves

Ariel Dorfman New Lines Magazine
A ceremony at an old food market in Amsterdam prompts reflections on tragedy, indifference and survival. How could so many Israelis feel indifferent to such grief and afflictions — that recalled how so many Germans had turned a blind eye to the Nazis

Friday Nite Videos | June 7, 2024

Elon Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package. "Unconvictable" | Nat King Cole "Unforgettable" Parody. The Other Side of Gaza. Putin Like Hitler 'Crossed the Line', Zelenskiy Tells French Parliament. Jim Henson Idea Man | Movie.

“Casablanca” Has a Message for Us Today

Greg Olear Prevail
The first time I saw Casablanca was 1992, The most recent was last night. On each viewing, I notice something I hadn’t seen before, walk away with something new. Casablanca is often described as a romance—and it is. It is a drama. It is a war film...

The Ongoing Popular Responsibility of the Liberation

Alessandro Portelli Il Manifesto Global
April 25 -- marking the victory of the Resistance in Italy over Mussolini and German occupiers -- is the day we remember that the Constitution and anti-Fascism are a daily practice, not an occasional celebration.
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