We need not surrender Chanukah to Zionism’s dark vision. As rabbis refocused Chanukah more than a millennium ago, we can honor the instruction in Deuteronomy, “. . . I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life . . . "
Interview with Rashid Khalidi by Itay Mashiach
The story isn't Hamas, religion or terrorism. Rashid Khalidi, the preeminent Palestinian intellectual of our time, is convinced that the Israelis simply don't understand the conflict - living in a 'bubble of false consciousness'
Ofer Cassif — currently suspended from the Knesset for opposing genocide in Gaza — discusses Israel’s descent into fascism, building the movement that can defeat Netanyahu, and why he will never give up the fight for Palestinian freedom.
An exploration of how "victims of the past/ Inundated by the echoing pageantry of the government’s traumatizing machine/ Become the victimizers of the present." A tribute to "idealist youth/ Who daily defy/ Refusing to lie/ Valuing all/ Tikkun Olum.
A member of Rabbis for Ceasefire explains why they interrupted the UN General Assembly earlier this year. A January poll found 50% of U.S Jews supported a ceasefire, only 34% opposed it, and 63% of the general population then in favor of a ceasefire;
October 7 should have handed Israel's wild-eyed right the perfect storm for success: wartime rallying and vengeful fury. So why don't the polls over the past year back that up?
After my father fled Nazi Germany in 1933, he witnessed a toxic new nationalism rising among Jews in Palestine—and was silenced for trying to warn of its dangers.
Half a century after setting off a political earthquake from the impoverished streets of Jerusalem, the radical Mizrahi movement has been largely forgotten. A new book seeks to untangle their contested legacy.
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