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Seeking Understanding Amidst the Horror in Israel/Palestine

Rabbi Brant Rosen Shalom Rav
The Jewish community is now with a profound moral challenge. Even as we mourns our dead in Israel, we must acknowledge and protest the genocide Israel is currently perpetrating in their memory in no uncertain terms.

Israel’s One-State Reality – It’s Time To Give Up on the Two-State Solution

Michael Barnett, Nathan Brown, Marc Lynch, and Shibley Telhami Foreign Affairs
Benjamin Netanyahu’s return to power with a narrow, extreme right-wing coalition has shattered even the illusion of a two-state solution. His government has not been shy: a Greater Israel in which law enshrines Jewish supremacy over all Palestinians


How Jeremy Corbyn Was Toppled by the Israel Lobby

Michael Steven Smith Mondoweiss
Asa Winstanley's new book shows how the Israel lobby weaponized antisemitism to create a new McCarthyism to bring down Jeremy Corbyn and those building a genuine socialist Labour Party.

Congress Members Urge Probe Into Use of US Weapons by Israel

Al Jazeera Staff Al Jazeera
A group of progressive Democrats in the United States Congress has called on President Joe Biden to “shift” American policy on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, saying that US aid should not be used to fund abuses of Palestinian rights.
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