IAW in the United States will be taking place at various times including March 27-April 3. We hope you will use this opportunity to mobilize locally through education events, creative direct actions, and building BDS campaigns (boycott, divestment, and sanctions).
Some ideas to help get your planning underway:
Show a film. Films can be a great way to engage new audiences and help people understand the realities of Israeli apartheid. Organize a discussion after the film to allow people to further develop their understanding and share their thoughts.
Hear from inspiring speakers, including activists in Palestine. Arrange an event for academics, trade unionists, cultural activists, and others to share insight about Palestine and motivate people to take action.
Organize a BDS action, including creative direct actions. IAW is meant to strengthen your BDS work so choose activities that will build your local campaigns. Find plenty of resources at endtheoccupation.org/bds. Consider highlighting the top US BDS wins in the past decade to inspire people. Use creative actions like flash mobs, concerts, poetry readings, street theater, visuals, etc. to help communicate your message. Make sure to share photos and videos on social media using the #IsraeliApartheidWeek hashtag.
Build links with other movements. Plan joint events and initiatives with other movements that explore how different forms of oppression are connected and how we can be in solidarity with other social justice struggles. If you are working on a G4S campaign, talk about the prison industrial complex and mass incarceration. If you are setting up a mock Israeli apartheid wall, draw attention to how the same Israeli company Elbit that was part of building the wall is helping militarize the US-Mexico border.
Spread the word! Follow Israeli Apartheid Week on Twitter and Facebook. Use the hashtag #IsraeliApartheidWeek and share photos and reports from events you organize or attend.
You can find events already planned in your area here and register your own participation here to receive more resources and ideas.
Looking forward to seeing all the amazing actions you put together!
Spread the word