- One Year After the Women’s March on Washington, People are Still Protesting En Masse. A Lot. We’ve Counted. - Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman (Washington Post)
- Rhymes From the Backwoods: The Rise of Country Rap - David Peisner (Rolling Stone)
- Trump’s Cult of Personality Takes Paranoia to the Next Level - Jeet Heer (New Republic)
- School Shooting in Kentucky Was Nation’s 11th of Year. It Was Jan. 23. - Alan Blinder and Daniel Victor (New York Times)
- Meet “The Storm,” the Conspiracy Theory Taking Over the Pro-Trump Internet - Will Sommer (Medium)
- For the People Artists Collective Looks Back on 100 Years of Police Violence in Chicago - Kerry Cardoza (Chicago Reader)
By Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman
January 21, 2018
Since the Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21, 2017, we have recorded more than 8,700 protests in the United States through Dec. 31, 2017. About 74 percent of those protests were either against Trump administration policy or on issues that conflicted with the president’s viewpoint.
Rhymes From the Backwoods: The Rise of Country Rap
January 23, 2018
"Hick-hop" is thriving despite little to no help from the mainstream music industry.
Trump’s Cult of Personality Takes Paranoia to the Next Level
By Jeet Heer
January 26, 2018
Conspiracy theories aren't hiding on the fringes. They're coming straight from the power centers in the White House and GOP.
School Shooting in Kentucky Was Nation’s 11th of Year. It Was Jan. 23.
By Alan Binder and Daniel Victor
January 23, 2018
In the years since the massacres at Columbine High School in Colorado, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., gun safety advocates say, all school shootings seem to have lost some of their capacity to shock.
Meet “The Storm,” the Conspiracy Theory Taking Over the Pro-Trump Internet
By Will Sommer
January 12, 2018
In “The Storm,” which also goes by the handle “QAnon,” Trump fans can inhabit a world where their wildest Trump hopes can come true.
For the People Artists Collective Looks Back on 100 Years of Police Violence in Chicago
By Kerry Cardoza
January 24, 2018
"Do Not Resist?" spreads its message throughout the city.
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