High-energy progressives can provide a compelling daily account of everything going wrong and coordinate opposition to the Trump-Musk nightmare...a daily press conference, held on Capitol Hill or at televised town halls across the United States.
Latino voters shifted dramatically toward Trump in the last election. Reading, Pennsylvania offers a clue to how Democrats can claw them back. Both campaigns saw Reading as strategically critical and it happens to be nearly 70 percent Latino.
Instead of blaming the people they let down, the Harris campaign needs to look in the mirror and find fault with itself. Arab Americans and their concerns were given such short shrift by the campaign, it is wrong to hold them responsible for the loss
Trump’s promise of widespread deportations won’t happen without defining a wave of new ‘illegals’ into existence. Immigration detention has become a $3 billion industry fusing for-profit prisons with immigration policies built to “secure” the border.
Reader Comments: Stop the Deportations, Stop the Layoffs, Stop the Administrative Coup!; Here Are 10 Things You Can Do To Resist; Longtime ‘Loyal’ Dem Voters Fed Up With Party’s Inaction; "Innocent Gesture"; 16 Million Workers Were Unionized in 2024;
We have some observations about a wannabe dictator and an emerging governing oligarchy. This message is for you, whether you donate to Portside or not.
Trump sold them countless, often conflicting fantasies. In 2025, he’ll face political reality. He was whoever they wanted him to be—a choose-your-own-candidate. Voters projected their wishes onto his candidacy, regardless of his stated policy program
Reader Comments: MAGA Divide - Round One to The Plutocracy; GOP Plan To Dismantle Pro-Palestinian Movement; Chanukah Is Choice Between Life and Death; Resource - World-Changing Impact Of Vaccines; Cartoons; and more....
Donald Trump is signaling that he will attempt a coup before even taking office. It's going to take all of our strategizing and mobilizing to defeat it ... again. Portside will be there every day, and we’re asking you to help. Here’s how.
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