North Carolina has been here before. From 2013 through 2018, Republicans had a veto-proof supermajority in the Legislature. They engaged in a series of power grabs. North Carolina’s citizens can rally to save the state’s democracy once again.
Katelyn Jetelina and Heidi Moseson
Your Local Epdemiologist
A really important piece of the abortion rights story has gotten little attention the past few weeks: even if mifepristone is severely restricted, we have another option.
"Today's ruling from a MAGA judge—who was hand-selected to hear this case by the anti-abortion activists who brought it—is an audacious act of judicial meddling in our personal healthcare decisions," said one reproductive rights campaigner.
Ten thousand Americans turn 60 every day, and on average we’ll live another 23 years. We’ll vote in huge numbers, as we always do. One possibility is that we’ll help turn back the clock a little, toward the world we actually built in our youth.
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